Thursday, July 11, 2024

Give Without Cost

"Without cost you have received; 
without cost you are to give."
MATTHEW 10 : 8

Lord Jesus, Your words are spirit and truth. Truly, I do not deserve to receive Your bountiful graces and blessings but still, out of Your love for me, You continue to give them all unconditionally. Be praised and glorified O Lord for You are good all the time!

You made me a servant who profits in the line of work that deals with service. The more service I do, the more prosperity and peace comes to me. 

Today, You have revealed to me that it is only fitting for me to also share what I have learned from you to others without cost. Please continue to be my guiding hand and freely give what I have received from You so that they too may profit and benefit as well. As they profit, I too will profit even more. 

In You, I am always at peace and living in the utmost comfort of Your love. Thank You so much for the continued outpouring of graces and blessings that makes us truly enjoy life to the full. 

May You continue to be with us each moment of our lives, giving praise and glory to the Father all our days. Amen.

July 13, 2023, 11:49AM

Take What is Yours and Go

 ‘"My friend, I am not cheating you.  Did you not agree with me for the usual daily wage?  Take what is yours and go." MATTHEW 20:...