Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Render an Account

No creature is concealed 
from Him, but everything 
is naked and exposed 
to the eyes of Him 
to whom we must 
render an account. 
(Hebrews 4:13)

As the Lord's steward, you shall make a full and regular report and devote your time, talent, and treasure for the glory of God.

Lord Jesus, 

You have similarly been tested in every way, yet without sin. Thank You so much for opening the door for us to confidently approach Your throne of grace to receive mercy and to find grace for timely help.

Indeed, nothing is concealed from You, but everything is naked and exposed to Your eyes to whom we must render an account. 

Today, we humbly ask and pray that You continue the good works that You have begun in us most especially with regards to financial matters as Your stewards. Help us to be faithful in rendering an account of our stewardship at any given time without delay.

In You, we have received mercy and found grace for timely help. You have saved us from the pit of poverty and raised us up to a renewed life of peace and prosperity. You have given us and continue to give us more than enough financial resources not only to faithfully pay and settle our regular obligations but to invest Your resources for profitable gains.

Please accept our deepest and profound gratitude for totally changing our lives to conform with Your will that gives glory to our Father in heaven. All glory and honor are Yours now and forever!


Posted: January 14, 2023, Saturday, 5:51 AM

Render an Account

No creature is concealed  from Him,  but everything  is naked and exposed  to the eyes of Him  to whom we must  render an account.  (Hebrews...